As a response to the current health crisis and as part of our commitment to developing the professional careers of artists we are starting an online storefront called the Visual Philosophy Guild.

This venue is our way of creating an opportunity for our in-house artists as they are not able to go into their studios and make new work. We all have pieces we have made, leaning against studio walls, sitting on shelves, just waiting to go to their forever homes. As an artist myself, I remember the amazing experience I had meeting the happy owner of an encaustic painting I sold. It was sold by a gallery and I only met the buyer months later when she introduced herself as one of my collectors. It was heartwarming to know that something I had created with love had touched someone else.

We are in the beginning stages of building this storefront and will keep you posted as to the progression. In the meantime, Check out our Studio Artist Page and get excited about what you might want to see on your walls, or in your garden, or wearing around your neck. You can support an artist the most by purchasing their creations- giving them validation as you enjoy your new treasure every day.
