As part of the School of Visual Philosophy's Safely Social San Jose campaign, we have paired 10 artists with 10 businesses to create window displays all month long!
We'd like to introduce one of our Visual Philosophy studio artists AND "Artists on the Alameda" Window Display Competitors: Isaac S. Lewin @isaacslewin. Lewin is an interdisciplinary artists based out of San Jose, California. His interests in shape, form, and structure tied with his history as a graffiti writer, drew him to create a unique textual format void of linguistic meaning. These textual forms were born out of a desire to write beautifully outside the confines of the alphabet and meaning. His asemic writing is universally incomprehensible yet quickly recognizable as text all the same. Building these letters using commercial sign making techniques, juxtaposes issues of communication with the incommunicable allowing us to focus on the only things left for us to read...the visual design characteristics of each terminal form.
Watch the video to hear Isaac explain his process...

Isaac's display @tapplastics utilizes sign making techniques to create a light installation that integrates acrylic, metal and light in Isaac's unique style. Stop by Tap Plastics during the day or evening to the piece through a different perspective!
